Did you know that building a website is like building a business.
It sounds like the two have no relation to each other, but in reality they have more in common than what you might think.
In my journey as a web developer and learning to build my own brand I saw so many relations that the two could be considered brothers more than cousins lol.
You may ask, what possible things could they have in common. Well when building a business you need to know what message you are trying to portray and who this message is targeted to.
With a website how you design the layout needs to be clear and represent what you are trying to convey. Ask the question does the design speak to who you are trying to reach.
Are you starting to see the big picture? If not don’t worry. It will all be explained in this post as simple as I can explain it.
Along with the development of your site and brand we will go over how your website is vital, especially now, for any business or brand you are trying to create.

Developing the Model
So when it comes to building a brand or a website what is the first thing that comes to your mind.
In fact you’re doing it right now as I ask the question. If you cant think of it don’t hurt yourself.
It’s planning.
The planning stage is always the most vital point in building anything. How can you build something if you don’t know where to start.
The idea is there since you want to build something but now it’s time to create the steps to find out what needs to be done.
For a front end web developer its always a good idea to do some research on knowing who the site is for and who will be using it.
Once that decision is made the process can begin in deciding key factors for navigation, ui, and even color schemes to represent the client or clientele. Or as I like to put it, the brand story.
But wait I just mentioned brand story in a place where we haven’t discussed anything about branding or brand development.
On the contrary they actually are in the same category. Now in today’s market a website is actually an extension of your brand, a brand element to be specific.
If you dont know what a brand element is it is simply any and everything that helps to promote your brand and your brand story in some form and fashion.
Therefore your website is key in helping to tell that story. But before we dive into the importance of your web presence as a brand element lets talk about building the brand itself.
*This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my link, at no extra cost to you.
The Brand
There is one misconception that I would like to clear up before moving on and that is what is a brand.
In fact I myself just recently learned how a brand is defined and it has transformed my entire perspective.
When you think of a brand you may think of its logo or mark as the the brand that represents the business or company.
In actuality that mark is just a mark, or a brand element of the story.
A brand can simply be defined as influence.
Your business or company can officially be considered a brand when you have influence on others about your story. Simply put when others begin to talk about your story.
You have now branded your business or YOUR STORY.
You may be asking why do I keep mentioning the word story.
Fun fact, did you know that 60% of communication is through the means of conversation, and if we break down a conversation it is simply storytelling in its purest form.
We are all captivated by great stories and there is no difference when it comes to building a brand.
People want to know what your brand (story) is about and if you can draw people in by the message and the elements, you have successfully created a brand story.
That is why it is imperative in the planning stage that you begin to thoroughly think through what is the message you want to convey and who can and will this story relate to.
Once your able to figure out the nitty gritty of your message you then begin to build out everything else–writing the code in terms of web development.
The Relationship
So now how do these two relate.
That’s a great question. As the hot topic has been throughout this post we are going to continue with the idea of the brand story.
Another fun fact according to eMarketer did you know that 44% of fortune 500 businesses are not mobile friendly.
Why did I say that? I think as big as these businesses are they are still missing a key element to being a successful brand… mobility.
They thought that it was just important for their users to have access to their business/brand online only.
Yet, how many of us get online by our tablets or cell phones, about 60% of Americans.
You lose a great percentage of readers and a potential group of those who can be influenced by your brand story.
Now why is this all important. First let’s address the first highly important case–a website.
We are now living in the 21st century and with the invention of the internet it is now possible for anyone anywhere to know who you are and what you do without having to travel across the country to find out.
This allows your story to be an influence on a global scale rather then just your local environment, who knows, your story may resonate with more people around the globe then they do nationally.
So that’s one reason, but why is mobility an issue?
To stay with the idea of being globally minded.
Some people in certain countries may only have access online through a phone, but if you “mobile ready” then it easier to find you and then others can begin learning about you and talking about you.
Honestly the internet has made it possible for anyone and I mean everyone to start a business or create their own personal brand.
So there is no excuse for not having a website, and really if you want to learn how to shall I dare say it…I shall
Google it.
So is being globally known the only reason for why a website is important for your brand. No.
The number one reason a website is good for your brand is because it is your biggest and largest marketing salesperson.
Think about it the internet never sleeps and neither does your website. So it is always advertising, marketing, and telling your story while you are sleeping or working on other aspects of the business.
This is why it is imperative that you have your story right and all your brand elements are consistent with your message, philosophies, color schemes, and images.
Your website is really like your personally movie theatre in the palm of everyone’s hand and they can watch your story anytime they wish.
And if you build an audience they will comeback to see if you have anything new going on in your world.
So I ask you…
have you thought about this?
Does your site line up with what you believe in or stand for?
Does it speak clearly when visitors come to your site and do they have an experience when they come or do you just have a normal site just to say you have one.
Don’t fall in the trap of I just have to have it.
Do yourself a favor and hire a front end web developer like myself or a web designer to invest your brand.
Or at least take the time to learn how to do it properly and build it yourself and you can even start with my guide on how to create a website.
I know what it’s like if your just starting out but like any brand improvements must be made overtime so that you stay relevant to the time and a designer will know how to accomplish this.
So look at your brand and your website and do an assessment. If it needs some work begin making some changes, and if you don’t know if it does ask a professional and get a developer.
Drop me a line and will be more than glad to help guide you.